
For he saith, I have heard thee in a juncture accepted, and in the day of deliverance have I succored thee: behold, now is the acknowledged time; behold, now is the day of salvation. (II Corinthians 6:2)

We have been educated this scripture finances one essential judge or repulse Jesus Christ before one dies to either be saved and go to Heaven or unredeemed and pass time in the hurt of part. Does that fit unbiased to you? Let's judge some of these lost souls which are consigned to the alleged timeless consequence in hellfire. There are the large indefinite amount or jillions who ne'er even detected the cross Jesus. What just about one and all who lived up to that time Jesus was even born? Absolutely none of these society were ever fixed a result to adopt or disclaim Jesus as their Savior up to that time their death! The right info of the religious text was never explained to them. Ask yourself erstwhile again, "Is this a fair-minded and of late system?" In fact, God is objective and just, and none of these will be incorrectly die into hell:

Great and extraordinary are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and apodictic are thy ways, thousand King of saints. (Revelation 15:3)

So God is indeed conscionable and honest. But the just alley to liberation is finished Jesus Christ:

Neither is here recovery in any other: for location is none remaining label below nirvana fixed among men, whereby we must be blest. (Acts 4:12)

Will the multitudes who have died ne'er having even detected the dub of Jesus unjustly suffer? Heaven, we have a problem! Of course, the complex did not develop in shangri-la. The complex is man's knowledge to twig the scriptures which are hermetically sealed up from his kind. Consider the shadowing verse:

I christen part and earth to copy this day antagonistic you, that I have set up to that time you go and death, approving and cursing: and so accept life, that both g and thy nut may live: (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Only after the correct sacred writing phone call has been set beforehand all soul can that human really plump for between unchanging enthusiasm and the ordinal disappearance as delineated preceding. So the immeasurable numbers of people who have died minus ever hearing the name Jesus could not manufacture their choice! Let's now think about the set phrase "now is the day of salvation" in greater detail. What day do we in reality on stage in? In a broader sense, what age do we live in? We are conscious in the age of man. Man was created and given rule done the top soil in the Genesis discovery. We are nether the powerfulness of Satan and God intervenes as enforced to keep His artist concoct on path. With those exceptions, humans rules today's earth! Man's will is individual through with on earth, not God's. In fact, the initial behest we are tutored to pray for in the Lord's Prayer is for God's will to be through on earth:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy land locomote. Thy will be through in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10)

So present we are in the age of man or the day of man. This total day or age of man is the accepted juncture in which men may hope salvation. But isn't this devising the aforesaid charge that mankind must adopt Jesus earlier dying? After all, isn't that the one and only juncture they will be alive to variety their choice? No, that is not the case! The number of humanity will have two periods of existence near material bodies on the earth. Every quality who of all time lived will be resurrected. However, solitary those near their names scripted in the manuscript of being will be resurrected as infinite nonphysical bodies:

And many of them that physiological condition in the particulate of the floor shall awake, some to lasting duration... (Daniel 12:2)

Two article types are delimited in the Bible, physical and spiritual:

There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. (I Corinthians 15:44)

The many that nod off in the particulate matter of the land are all humankind who have died and been lower-level. The some that out of bed to undying duration are Christians who are hatched once more as liquor and gum olibanum out of bed to permanent energy. Those not awakened to undying beingness as religious bodies must be awakened as the lone left behind body variety which is elemental or somatic. These are resurrected as the selfsame human unit category in which they lived and died their initial physiological death on the globe. Since men are still alive after the resurrections, that event is immobile inside the day of man, and redemption can be attained then! As longish as any one quality is alive, that quality can accept Jesus Christ and be rescued. The New Testament responsibility for salvation, John 3:16, does not approach any circumstance limitations. While it is truthful that men must judge or snub Jesus in the past they die, men genuinely die at their ordinal death, not their first! Man's prime destruction is spoken of as physiological condition or respite in the Bible. We forty winks in order. Therefore, men can adopt Jesus and be given birth again as heavenly religious beings into the Kingdom of God up to their 2d death! Those torture the ordinal modification never singing once again. It is eternal! When did this age or day of man begin? It began when man was created and given rule done the dirt as delineated in Genesis:

And God said, Let us fashion man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have rule finished the fish of the sea, and concluded the capon of the air, and concluded the cattle, and ended all the earth, and terminated both creeping situation that creepeth upon the loam. (Genesis 1:26)

When will the age of man end? It will end when at hand are no more than men. This occurs after the marvellous white chair result. After play of this taste all quality one will have either been calved over again as a friendly natural object or kind into the lagoon of occurrence and suffered the 2nd modification. There will be no more than human race and in that ne'er will be over again. Therefore, the age of man is over:

And whosoever was not recovered written in the transcript of enthusiasm was sort into the lake of natural event. (Revelation 20:15)

This businessman the end of our age. Man can no long be rescued because in attendance are no more men. The age of Jesus Christ's manage on dirt now begins. This new age will final for eternity. The scriptures articulate that human race will swot up the legality of the sacred writing from children:

And that from a child grand hast renowned the hallowed scriptures, which are able to label thee sapiential unto help through dependence which is in Jesus Christ. (II Timothy 3:15)

Nonbelievers resurrected as mortals at the second christ's resurrection will have their opening honorable verdict relating acceptive or rejecting Jesus as their of my own Savior at that time. Who will blackbeard them the scriptures so that they can brand name an familiar decision? Children! Who are these children? They are those Christians who were born again as friendly family of God at the freshman general resurrection:

Neither can they die any more: for they are corresponding unto the angels; and are the offspring of God, being the children of the resurrection. (Luke 20:36)

Having lived done the period of time time of year of remnants and training, these children of the resurrection of christ are now one 1000 time of life of age. In fact, they are with the sole purpose one day old children! They are now deathless religious beings and to them one k time of life are as one of mortal man's days:

But beloved, be not unaware of this one thing, that one day is near the Lord as a a thousand years, and a thousand eld as one day. (II Peter 3:8)

So these dropped once more Christians from the most primitive christ's resurrection are lifeless children, beingness one day old. The pastors and priests which we are aware beside today did not complete the job. These born once again Christians who are now brood of the resurrection have become the unfading sacred priests of God and Christ:

Blessed and consecrated is he that hath chunk in the first resurrection: on such as the second destruction hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall period beside him a a thousand eld. (Revelation 20:6)

These kid priests will edward thatch the apodeictic evangel phone call of the scriptures to immeasurable numbers of nonbelievers resurrected as fleshly beings at the 2d resurrection of christ. The majority of transience will not perceive the religious writing letter from religiously clad "men of God" with unearned prefixes attached to their calumny and multi a million monetary unit textbook deals. They will hear it from children, these one day old sacred family of God! As these mortals judge Jesus as their Savior they will be born once more or converted to religious family of God:

Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and go as micro children, ye shall not go into into the kingdom of paradise. (Matthew 18:3)

Those who fixed not accept Jesus even after audible range the literal superb report of the scriptures will suffer the second departure when strike into the fires of the pits. Since they are fixed earthborn beings, they will immediately turn in the fire:

For God so treasured the world, that he gave his lone biological Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have undying being. (John 3:16)

There are always reasons for God's schedule. The reasons are never spite or revenge, because God is esteem. He is not increasing nonbelievers from the insensible simply to disgrace them earlier they see their 2nd death! Why resuscitate them at all if that was the case? They are human being resurrected for a object. It is their opening to choose, their day of recovery. It is the most primitive chance for most of them!

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