Like the WWI Marine Sergeant who yelled to his troops, "Do you want to live forever$%:" before going into battle, I'm yelling to you -- "Do you want to be skinny forever$%:" Because believe it or not, this really is a battle. A battle for your health and well-being in the age of trans-fat, obesity and heart disease! We all know what is at stake!
It's 2007, and it is time now to finally get to work on getting the body you have been wanting. Time to finally get started on that goal of building a stronger, more muscular... not to mention healthier body!
As I get older, I realize more and more that it's not enough just to look buff or lean. You have to be healthy on the inside as well, and believe me they are not the same thing.
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So, here's my top 5 tips for packing on the muscle, while improving your overall health:
In today's world stress is a big health problem. It causes a serious rise in a hormone called cortisol which does all sorts of nasty things like increasing your body's fat storage rate, increases free-radical damage to your cells and organs and on top of that it eats away muscle! The less stress you have the less cortisol your body will produce!
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Whether you want to gain weight or lose it, eating less sugar is a healthy choice all the way around. Contrary to popular myth, you don't need sugar calories to build muscle, even if you are chronically thin. Yes my diets do contain some sugar, but I do my best to eliminate as much of it as possible. If at all possible use replacement sweeteners like trehalose or stevia.
I'm sure you have heard this all over these days, but it is important enough to repeat. Bad fats like Trans-fatty acids can deteriorate your overall health very quickly. Did anyone see the documentary about the guy who ate McDonald's for 30 days$%: That says enough right there.
Anyway, adding more good fat like omega-9 (olive oil) and omega-3 (Alpha Linolenic Acid) in your diet can help to slow and eventually reverse the damage caused by trans fats and other cis-fat.
To build muscle more protein is essential. People can argue till they are blue that you don't need much protein to build muscle, BUT you will never see someone gain any large amount of muscle mass
without eating above average amounts of protein. It's just a divide between science and reality. One day someone will figure it out, but right now people are getting huge, so just do what they do if you want to gain weight!
In addition to building muscle, protein has some added benefits such as bolstering your immune system, reduction of age related muscle atrophy and improved body composition (less fat and more muscle).
This is the #1 tip because to build muscle and gain weight you need MORE FOOD. But the problem with that is people automatically assume that more means junk. But that's not what I mean. In fact, you
should be eating less empty junk calories like fast food, cookies, candy's and chips. Replace those with unprocessed whole foods. What are processed foods you ask$%: Well pretty much any food that is
packaged for long term storage or anything that has an ingredient list of things you can't pronounce.
If you open the package and don't really recognize what it is you are eating, it's processed.
Overall, I know that this sounds difficult, but really it's not. It's just a matter of how much you want to improve your health and how much time you are willing to devote to it.