The craze of dreadlock has been around us for many years and people have developed a numerous way to make dreadlocks with passage of time. In this article I am going to mention some of the ways to create a dreadlock, maintaining them and a little bit about the history of dreadlocks. Following are the ways to create a successful dreadlock:
1. Dread wax, metal comb, shampoo and some rubber bands
How to use:
Any samples:
First of all, wash you hair using residue free shampoo and dry them using a hair dryer or let it dry itself by air. Divide your hair into sections of 1*1 inch and use rubber bands to hold these 1*1 sections. Now, start backcombing of hair one section at a time and remove the rubber bands. This will ensure that dreads loops are being formed. After finishing backcomb, tie a rubber band on the top and on the root of the section. Add dread wax to it and roll your hair. Repeat this process for all the sections.
2. Ingredients Required: Dread wax, brush with soft bristles, rubber bands and shampoo.
How to use:
First of all, wash you hair using residue free shampoo and dry them using a hair dryer or let it dry itself by air. Then use a brush having soft bristles and rub it around your head in clockwise direction. Once you see the dreadlocks are being formed then add a little bit of wax to each of the dread loop or dread ball formed.
3. Ingredients required: dread head wax and synthetic hair
How to use:
To make dreadlocks using this method you will have to buy synthetic hair from a saloon or a store and then dread the hair using backcomb method. Finally, clip the synthetic dreads on your hair and your dreadlocks are ready.
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